Many oil and gas companies pay dividends. The focus of this website will be on those companies that pay the highest dividends in this group along with being reasonably safe. Any stocks can fall in
a bear market, and that is why investors must be diligent about keeping their capital. It is okay to sit on the sidelines during bad conditions.
I have shown in a table below some of the oil and gas companies that I like. There are literally dozens of good companies in this group, but I will only mention some of them. Also, UTF below is
an overall infrastructure ETF that includes not only natural gas companies but utilities as well. In addition, is an excellent source of information on natural gas as well as
other commodities. Please take a look at their natural gas page here:
Stock | Company |
COP | Conoco Phillips |
CQP | Cheniere Energy |
TGP | Teekay LNG Partners |
TEGP | Tallgrass Energy |
UTF | Infrastructure ETF |
AMLP | Alerian MLP ETF |