This page will serve as a quick reference to many important stock market information links. For example, there are many indicators to help determine whether stocks will likely go up or down. $NYMO is one of these indicators since stocks will almost always rebound when it is around -70 or greater in the oversold direction. Trading stocks will be on this list also for a quick look at whether a stock like MIDU is at a tradeable low. The buy recommendations below only apply for bull market conditions. If we are in a bear market, stay in cash.
$NYMO | NYSE McClellan Oscillator | Buy at -80. |
MIDU | Mid cap stocks 3x ETF | Buy at 15. |
UDOW | Dow 30 stocks 3x ETF | Buy at 55. |
Futures | views on investing. |
$NYA200R | NYSE stocks above 200 day average. | Buy at 30%. |
$OEXA200R | S&P 100 stocks |
$SPXA200R | S&P 500 stocks |
XIV | Inverse volatility ETF. | Buy at 26. |
Gain | Calculator projections for future gain amounts. |
OPEC | Cartel main website. Click Publications tab for news. |
USPHCI | Federal Reserve Coincident Economic Activity Index |
GDPnow | Atlanta Federal Reserve GDP projection |
NYLOW | Stocks sell signal when 50 day av. crosses above 200 sma. |
Charts | Fibonacci calculator for buy and sell chart points. |
PHK | Pimco High Income |
13% annual dividend distributed monthly. |
SBUX | Google search for Starbucks return on equity. |
Enter other tickers in Google search,"roe for NKE" example. |
GILT | Gilat Satellite Networks -- mobile communications. |
KMI | Kinder Morgan -- largest pipelines company. |
$TICK | NYSE sum of upticks and downticks. Go long at -800, -1000. |