is one of the best websites on the internet for finding out if insiders are buying or selling your favorite stocks. On the Home page, you can search for stocks to see what is happening with those companies you like. You can also view a selection of stocks where insiders buying a particular stock paid off. In addition, there is an Institutions tab where you can view what stocks have recently been bought by institutions.
One example of my research there concerned Apple. I found out that a vice president of Apple booked millions of dollars by selling Apple in May 2015, and yet the stock still went up. This is probably because big investors like Icahn and Einhorn are still invested in Apple as well as backing AAPL. Einhorn, in particular, would be shorting Apple if he thought there was a problem. Another interesting fact on the stock research page is a bar chart at the top which shows the buying and selling aspects of the stock in the past year. So, InsiderCow is a great place to visit often to see what the insiders are doing.